Sunday, October 30, 2011


Students you will be given vocabulary words for ch. 1-4 on Monday. I will give you a copy in class- as well as post it on my blog.

Happy Weekend!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Chapter 3- Questions

Chapter 3

1. Why is Asher's father heading to Vienna? What will be his occupation there?

2. What was odd about the dream Asher had during the time he was ill?

3. There is a lot of repetition in chapter 3? (Repetition is a literary tool used by writers to create tension, what is the tension Asher Lev's repetition creates?)

(This work is to be completed by 10/31/11 (Monday), also prepare for ch.1-3 Quiz (no vocabulary just questions) - for Monday 10/31/11)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chapter 1-2 Questions (Asher Lev)

Chapter 1

1. Rivkeh (Asher's mother) says angrily, "The Rebbe killed my brother." What happened that has caused her to say this? Why do you think she says this…..what did the Rebbe have to with her bother's death?
2. When Asher is in his father's office and asks about his father's speaking a strange language, his father tells him that it is French and that he learned it at the request of the Rebbe. What is this suppose to mean? Why did he learn a language for the Rebbe?
3. After meeting Yudel Krinsky in the supermarket, Asher asks his father, "is he one of us? Why do you think Asher says this? And what would it mean to Asher if he were not?

Chapter 2
1. Asher responds that drawing is "from the sitra achra (other side), like Stalin. What has caused him to say this?
2. Why is Asher so fascinated with Russians? Who does he inquire to attain information about them?
3. What view point is My Name is Asher Lev, and in whose view point? Why is it important to know through whose lens we read the book?

4.  What are two things that are at the heart of Laover society? Why do you say that? (Support your thoughts.) Take clues from all that is presented magazines, Radio, schools….(.Hint: Think back to how people are conformed-Animal Farm.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Peer Review

For the next assignment, you will comment on your peers post. Be critical, if you see something that does not make sense or lacks evidence be sure to point that out. Once you are done, go into your own blog, and respond on some of those- comments and inquiries. Please be PROFESSIONAL when commenting on your peers blog.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcome Students!

For your first assignment, I want you to tell me 6 characteristics about Asher Lev. Be specific and provide page numbers for each inference you make about his character. THIS IS DUE BY TOMORROW  10/26/11.