Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Discussion 1 questions

1.   What are some of the internal conflicts that our main character undergoes?
2.   What predictions can you make of Asher Lev?
3.  What does the reaction of the other students to Asher's behavior tell you? (in relation to chapter 5, when Asher writes on the Chumash)
4.  Why does the Rebbe tell Asher to draw? What did he draw?
5.  Why does the Rebbe ask Asher's parents to NOT take Asher to Vienna? Do you think it might relate back to the picture he drew for the Rebbe?

Students remember you are to finish the questions we did not do in class: Question number 4-5 Should be completed and either posted or submitted to me no later then 11/28/11 (Monday).

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