Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feminist Criticism

Please click on this link  and read the information. Takes notes as needed. It is  critical that you read about the "Feminist Criticism" in order to be a active participant in  in the group discussion.

Vocabulary- P. 83- 104 (Part II)

Vocabulary: p. 83-104
1.    Conferred: Talked about/ discussed
2.    Sycophants: flatterer
3.    Retort: reply; answer back
4.    emulate: imitate
5.    Backgammon: a game for two persons played on a board having two tablesor parts, each marked with 12 points, and with both playershaving 15 pieces that are moved in accordance with throws of the dice.
6.    Quay: A landing place, constructed along side the edge of water.
7.     Obsequious: obedient; dutiful.
8.     Propriety: conformity to established standards of good or proper behavior or manners
9.    Petulant: moody behavior
10. Morose: gloomy; miserable.
11. Raucous: harsh; loud

Friday, February 24, 2012

50-78 Questions

1. What is the deal that Nasir made with Jihha?

2. Based on what you've read thus far, make an inference on what you think might happen with Nasir in Part 2?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Due Date for Blogs

Blog 1:
 questions p 1-28 is due 11:59pm Tuesday (2/21/12)

Blog 2:

Questions  for (p.28-50) is due 11:59 Thursday (2/23/12)

Blog 3:

Questions for (p 50-78) is due 11:59 Friday (2/24/12)

PLease prepare for a quiz after Part 1 of the book.

7 Daughters & 7 Sons Questions (p. 28-50)

7 Daughters & 7 Sons Questions (p. 28-50)

Students, work you do on your own with  honesty and fail at is far greater than work you copy, and cheat in an "attempt" to succeed. I give you a free market to share, and collaborate-- not to cheat. Please reference any work of any peer you use. Any work not reference, by mentioning the writer's name, will be given a ZERO.

Questions (p 28-50)
1. "If I die, let me die among those I love”. Who said this what is the context?
2.     “You have a most educated eye my daughter? (P.35) What of Burhan is revealed here?
3.      Who is Gindar?
4.     “ A man on my caravan will tell you as much about himself as he wants you to know.” P. What does this foreshadow?
5.      Coming of Age: Read the first full paragraph on p. 40 ( A bend in the suq…..) and explain how this paragraphs shows coming of age?
A coming-of-age story or novel is memorable because the character undergoes adventures and/or inner turmoil in his/her growth and development as a human being. Some characters come to grips with the reality of cruelty in the world--with war, violence, death, racism, and hatred--while others deal with family, friends, or community issues. ( from:

6.     “It would be better to attempt to cross the desert by myself and die on the journey, my bones picked clean by vultures and left to bleach in the sun then go back home.”  Why is Nasir saying this?

Vocabulary Words (p 28-50)

1.     Unguent: Ointment applied on wounds
2.     Convalescence: Recovery
3.     Pantaloons: a man's close-fitting garment for the hips and legs, worn especially in the 19th century, but varying in form from period to period; trousers.
4.     Flask: a bottle
5.    Condescending:showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority: 
6.      Penance: a punishment undergone in token of repentance for sin.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Question 7 Daughter & 7 Sons

HOMEWORK: Finish reading until page 28 on your own, then answer the following the questions.

1.What impacts of Quran on Arabic literature can you sought out in this book. Think of the beginning/ start of the book?
2. How is Islam influenced by this text. Give 3 instances/moments where this happens.

3. Why is Fatimah crying? What ill-fate is the narrator talking about?

4. Burhan is talking to herself, after having a short conversation with her father. She says, " It wouldn't have been  a mistake three hundred years before, or two hundred years before, or even hundred years before". What is she referring to here? What was the short conversation father and daughter had?

Vocabulary Words for p. 1-28

1.      Loom:  a hand-operated or power-driven apparatus for weaving fabrics
2.      Halted: stopped
3.      Paltry: utterly worthless; insultingly small
4.      Melancholy: a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual orprolonged; depression.
5.      Iwan: a vaulted portal opening onto a courtyard: 
6.      Asperity: harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity.
7.      Elixir: a powder mixture used in trying to make someone better—in the story to cast away evil or bad thoughts.
8.      Mortar: a container of hard material, having a bowl-shaped cavity     in which substances are reduced to powder