Thursday, February 16, 2012

Question 7 Daughter & 7 Sons

HOMEWORK: Finish reading until page 28 on your own, then answer the following the questions.

1.What impacts of Quran on Arabic literature can you sought out in this book. Think of the beginning/ start of the book?
2. How is Islam influenced by this text. Give 3 instances/moments where this happens.

3. Why is Fatimah crying? What ill-fate is the narrator talking about?

4. Burhan is talking to herself, after having a short conversation with her father. She says, " It wouldn't have been  a mistake three hundred years before, or two hundred years before, or even hundred years before". What is she referring to here? What was the short conversation father and daughter had?

Vocabulary Words for p. 1-28

1.      Loom:  a hand-operated or power-driven apparatus for weaving fabrics
2.      Halted: stopped
3.      Paltry: utterly worthless; insultingly small
4.      Melancholy: a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual orprolonged; depression.
5.      Iwan: a vaulted portal opening onto a courtyard: 
6.      Asperity: harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity.
7.      Elixir: a powder mixture used in trying to make someone better—in the story to cast away evil or bad thoughts.
8.      Mortar: a container of hard material, having a bowl-shaped cavity     in which substances are reduced to powder

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